Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself."

Tell us about what you have done for someone that ended up bringing you happiness in return!

My quick story:  I was out with friends at a karaoke night (don't when an 80+ year old gentleman asked me to do a song with him.  My initial reaction was "No way...I don't want to make myself look like an idiot."  I eventually acquiesced and stood behind him singing as he got so many cheers, he brought the house down.  The light in his eyes and the smile on his face is something I will NEVER forget.  What I set out to do for him became this incredible gift he gave me instead!

1 comment:

  1. Here is a happy ending story about two remarkable kids
    On Oct 6 2010, my grandkids Evyn age 7 & Hannah age 4 stayed overnight as they had off from school the next day. We planned a nice breakfast buffet for the next morning. Early morning they woke up and went downstairs to watch cartoons. I guess they got hungry and went to wake me (Oma) up. I would not wake up. I am a diabetic on an insulin pump. They tried all they could to wake me. I was not responding. Evyn phoned his own house as that was the only number he knew and left a tearful message asking someone to call 911. he hung up and this very shy little boy after more attempts to wake me up failed decided to call 911 himself. The dispatcher talk him through it and told him to unlock the front door. Two police officers arrived and he let them in followed by the paramedics. They realized my situation treating my low blood sugar then all of a sudden I stopped breathing. My blood sugar was the lowest the paramendic ever saw below 10 on the BS monitor. They resuscitated me and saved my life. It was by the grace of God that Evyn and Hannah reacted and they saved their Oma. Franconia twp and Harleysville Ambulance have awarded them a life savors award cert and gift cert for their courages act. I am so proud of them and so thankful. They are truly my guardian angels and my heros.
