Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Share the value of friendships with me!

" True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost." 
- Charles Caleb Colton

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Accountability is just awareness!

All successful people are accountable to someone.  Most people think of accountability as a bad thing.  John Davis gave me a great "Aha" moment when he called accountability "awareness."  Being accountable is just an opportunity for us to be aware of where we are in a situation.  It isn't good or bad.  It is just a level of awareness.  How do you stay "aware" of your progress in your life?

Friday, September 23, 2011

How do you overcome life's roadblocks?

What do you do to get back on the path to success when life's roadblocks get in your way.  Share what works for you so that others may share your success!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Todd, what are you putting across to people?"

My good friend Cindy recently asked me a wonderful question.  She said, "Todd, what are you putting across to people?"  It made me think.  I know that you usually get back the type of energy you share with others.  I was having a particularly rough week so I wondered.  Was I the cause of this trouble?  Naturally, I don't control everything that happens to me...but I do have the power over a portion of it.

I sat and thought about the happenings of the week and did find ways that I caused more to make my week harder.  With my new found perspective, I set off to make things better.  In other words, I took my own advice. 
1.  I smiled more.  (hold a smile for ten seconds and tell me if you don't feel instantly better)
2.  I greeted everyone I saw.  (instant sense of connection)
3.  I took time for me.  (even if it was a few minutes looking out the window)
4.  I went to a place of gratitude.  (I reflected on how great my life was and why)

Mysteriously (or not so) my week improved drastically!  Imagine that!  Thanks Cindy for the gift of perspective!  I wanted to share her gift with all of you!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stay your course!

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."   Albert Einstein

It is important that you be true to yourself before all others!  Don't let them stray you from your vision and path!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter / Passover! Tell me a "little thing" that makes you happy today!

Everyone has the big things that make them happy. 
Share with us a few of your little things.  I offer these:

Watching my kids giggle eating "Pop Rocks" on Easter Day!

The first day of wearing short sleeve shirts outside in Spring.

Putting the canvas cover over the snowblower in the back of the garage.

Phillies baseball on a Sunday afternoon.

A listening to a phonecall from my kids to Grammy to wish her a Happy Easter!

Your turn!  Tell us a few.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Look Around Today! Someone Nearby Needs Some Tenderness!

This is a difficult world at times.  We travel at breakneck speed and often forget to see the people around us or take time to find out what is going on in the lives of people who are very near and dear to us.  People are under stresses from every side...relationships, finance, occupations...the list goes on.

Today, let's stop for a moment.  Look around you and try to see what at least one person is dealing with in his or her life.  Then offer them a kind word or gesture.  A helping hand is very powerful.  Feel free to post your experience below.  Your sharing of your experience helps us all.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself."

Tell us about what you have done for someone that ended up bringing you happiness in return!

My quick story:  I was out with friends at a karaoke night (don't ask...lol) when an 80+ year old gentleman asked me to do a song with him.  My initial reaction was "No way...I don't want to make myself look like an idiot."  I eventually acquiesced and stood behind him singing as he got so many cheers, he brought the house down.  The light in his eyes and the smile on his face is something I will NEVER forget.  What I set out to do for him became this incredible gift he gave me instead!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A heartfelt welcome and wishing you happiness!

Hi Everyone!  I have been meaning to start a blog for a long time.  One where people can share positive energy, good things that are happening in their lives or just come read about what others are experiencing and leave feeling good and that much the better.  Please share your life with us and let's build a blog that we can all enjoy and feel uplifted by.

Remember to talk from the heart!  Share the funny things that happen to you in life.  Those that help you grow and gain perspective.  Please be respectful of others and seek first to understand rather than judge!

Remember to tell three people something nice today!

Thanks again for coming and following this!  Enjoy!